Museums and exhibition spaces

Discover the city

Santander has museums, exhibition halls and cultural centres distributed throughout the city. In total, there are 54 spaces where you can immerse yourself in the world of art, culture and science.

It is possible to see works by Francisco de Goya, Luis Quintanilla, María Blanchard and Joan Miró, as well as other modern and contemporary artists completely free of charge.

There are no excuses for not enjoying art. The city has the Botín Centre, which forms part of the European circuit of top-level art centres, and magnificent spaces such as the MAS, which houses works by Goya and Miró, among other artists. In addition, Santander will soon be home to the first associated centre of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, which will house the impressive collection of the Lafuente Archive.

There is also the possibility of discovering places full of history, among them, the interpretation centres of the Anillo Cultural that allow you to learn about the past of the city and, a few metres away from them, you will find one of the most important prehistoric museums in Spain, the MUPAC.

The city also offers spaces for science lovers, as it is home to one of the most important museums of Pathological Anatomy in the world. Nor should we forget the Maritime Museum, which, in addition to its various aquariums, offers a complete study of the flora and fauna of the Cantabrian coast.


Archivo de la Autoridad Portuaria de Santander
The Documentation Centre has a room where exhibitions on the history of the Santander Port are held.
Ateneo de Santander
Cultural activities range from lectures and workshops to art exhibitions, concerts and book presentations.
Biblioteca Central de Cantabria
In addition to the library, it offers lectures, workshops, exhibitions, concerts and book presentations.
Biblioteca de Menéndez Pelayo
It houses the personal bibliographic collections that the polygrapher Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo bequeathed to the city of Santander.
Bomberos Voluntarios
The Royal Santander Volunteer Fire Brigade has a permanent exhibition with a great historical interest.
Casa Museo de Menéndez Pelayo
It is possible to visit Enrique's office and the room and bed in which the polygrapher Marcelino died.
Modernist building with exhibition halls and an assembly hall that is characterised by its intense cultural activity.
Cementerio de Ciriego
A garden overlooking the sea, which is part of the Association of Significant Cemeteries of Europe.
Centro de Interpretación de la Muralla Medieval
Under the ground of the Plaza de Velarde is a section of the foral wall, belonging to the Puebla Nueva of the medieval town.
Centro asociado del Reina Sofía - Archivo Lafuente
The former headquarters of the Bank of Spain in Cantabria will become the first associated centre of the Reina Sofia Museum of Art.
Centro Botín
A benchmark arts centre that aims to generate social development by harnessing the potential of the arts.
Centro Cívico Tabacalera
It is home to one of the largest indoor vertical gardens in Europe, as well as a rooftop terrace with incredible views of the Bay.
Centro Cultural Doctor Madrazo
A former food market, located above the Puertochico Market, converted into a three-storey cultural centre.
Centro Cultural Fernando Ateca
It includes a permanent exhibition by Matilde Camus as well as an exhibition room and an assembly hall.
Centro de Arte Faro Cabo Mayor
Inside the Cabo Mayor Lighthouse, we find one of the most unique museum spaces in our region with three exhibition halls.
Centro de Demostraciones y Emprendimiento Smart City
Its aim is to disseminate Santander's commitment to innovation and showcase its progress in the smart city framework.
Centro de Interpretación de la Historia de la Ciudad
Located in the bell tower of the Cathedral, it offers the opportunity to learn about the history of this building and of the city itself.
Centro de Interpretación de los antiguos Muelles
An educational tour that uses the stones of the old docks to transport visitors back in time to other centuries.
Centro de Interpretación del Dique de Gamazo
It is located inside the Pump House and bears witness to the spectacular increase in maritime activity around the 18th century.
Centro de Interpretación del Litoral
Located in the old coastal defence battery, it houses an exhibition that summarises the characteristics of the Cantabrian coast.
Escuela de Náutica
Inside is the Sala Universidad, a space that hosts temporary exhibition projects on a variety of themes.
Espacio Ricardo Lorenzo
Cultural headquarters of the Official College of Architects of Cantabria with four large exhibition halls, an auditorium and a library.
Faro Santander
A new cultural project of Banco Santander, which will open its doors in the former headquarters of the financial institution.
Fundación Botín
Created in 1964 by Marcelino Botín Sanz de Sautuola and located in his family home, it is a space for creative talent and knowledge.
In addition to a games room, it has an exhibition hall, a conference room and several rooms for meetings and events.
Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla
The Marqués de Valdecilla Foundation runs a gallery in the Hospital with works by leading artists.
The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Santander and Cantabria is located in the city centre.
The Museum of Prehistory and Archaeology of Cantabria offers a chronological itinerary in stages, from prehistory to the Middle Ages.
Museo "El Hombre y la Mar"
Open-air exhibition that brings together different elements that pay homage to the expeditions carried out by Vital Alsar.
Museo de Anatomía Patológica
An exceptional facility, very rare in the world, classified as one of the best in the international arena.
Casa Museo Manuel Cacicedo
This space exhibits more than 200 pieces donated by Manuel Cacicedo, including his works, as well as plaster casts, moulds and tests.
Museo de los Bomberos
A space dedicated to honouring the heroism and bravery of those who faced the challenges of fire in the city's history.
Museo del Agua
A journey through the historical relationship between water and the city of Santander, in a building of significant architectural value.
Museo del Ciclismo Santiago Revuelta
A place of worship for cycling enthusiasts, it houses an impressive collection covering all aspects of the sport.
Museo del Deporte
Inside the Palacio de los Deportes there is a permanent exhibition that reviews the history of Cantabrian sport.
Museo del Ferrocarril
It houses a large number of railway objects, from small model reproductions to locomotives and real rolling stock.
Museo Machichaco
It spreads the memory of the historic catastrophe that Santander experienced due to the explosion of the ship Cabo Machichaco.
Museo Marítimo del Cantábrico
It offers the visitor one of the richest and most varied museographic proposals, among those dedicated to the sea and to men.
Museo Taurino
It displays objects related to the world of bullfighting: bullfighting costumes, bullfighting capes, posters, engravings, etc.
Nave Sotoliva
A space located in the popular Barrio Pesquero that holds temporary art exhibitions in its main hall.
Naves de Gamazo

The Gamazo Buildings stand out as an architectural heritage that connects us with the vibrant industrial history of our city.

Palacete del Embarcadero
A former passenger station converted into a cultural landmark that serves as an exhibition and conference hall.
Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos
It is one of the reference venues for all kinds of cultural events, conventions, fairs and exhibitions.
Palacio de Riva-Herrera
The oldest civil construction in Santander where the past merges with the present in an environment full of inspiration and possibilities.
Paraninfo de la Universidad de Cantabria
It hosts academic events, as well as hosting permanent and temporary exhibitions, conferences and book launches.
Parlamento de Cantabria
The former San Rafael Hospital, today the seat of the Cantabrian Parliament, is a building with two centuries of history behind it.
It accurately shows the apparent motion of the Sun, the Moon, the planets and their satellites, and the stars.
Refugio Antiaéreo Frontón del Cristo
Visit the 70 metres of this Civil War air-raid shelter, located in an enclave as important as the Cathedral.
Refugio Antiaéreo Mariana Pineda
Its contents are adapted to the original spaces, informing the visitor about the events of the Civil War.
The first courses of the foundations of the old wall, made up of ashlars, ashlars and limestone masonry.
Ruinas Romanas
Remains of the Roman settlement that founded the city of Santander are preserved, including some baths and fortifications.
The Santander Image Documentation Centre has a temporary exhibition hall open to the public.
Fundación Bruno Alonso
An independent cultural entity that organises temporary exhibitions, conferences and presentations of publications.
Sala de Exposiciones Manuel Sánchez Monge
A multi-purpose space located in the building of the Cathedral and Diocesan Historical Archive of Santander.