Santander Volunteer Firefighters

The first corps of its kind created in Spain

On 10 October 1894, the Santander Volunteer Fire Brigade was set up, the first of its kind on the peninsula. In 1901, His Majesty King Alfonso XIII granted the Santander Volunteer Fire Brigade the title of Royal, being from that moment onwards the Royal Santander Volunteer Fire Brigade, and Alfonso XIII was appointed its chief.

In Spain, only two fire brigades have the title of Royal, the Santander Volunteers and the Royal Fire Brigade of Malaga.

From 5 January 1905, the group was housed in a building designed in 1899 by the municipal architect Valentín Ramón Lavín Casalís.

The Royal Santander Volunteer Fire Brigade has a permanent exhibition of the following vehicles:

  • Steam pump carriage model Shand, Manson&Co.s of the year 1895.
  • De Dion Bouton town pump model 1920.
  • Lincoln model urban fire engine, for transporting firemen and material from 1932.
  • 1962 Chevrolet salvage vehicle.

Bomberos Voluntarios

In addition to the display of vehicles, the exhibition also includes photographs, lances, masks, rescue belts, tools, warning horns, historic fire extinguishers and a collection of costumes and helmets that show the evolution of the Royal Santander Volunteer Fire Brigade.

These historical relics are not only objects of interest because of their antiquity, but are also witnesses to the catastrophes the city has experienced and a tribute to the dedication and sacrifice of those who fought against the fire.

To visit the facilities and exhibition, please contact us by telephone: +34 942 232 476.