Smart City Demonstration and Entrepreneurship Centre

Discover Santander's commitment to innovation

The Smart City Demonstration and Entrepreneurship Centre is a permanent facility located in the Enclave Pronillo that opened its doors in 2013. Its purpose is to disseminate Santander's commitment to innovation and showcase its progress in the smart city framework.

In collaboration with Telefónica, this centre is structured in three areas: a multimedia space, a guided demonstration area and an exhibition of the developments implemented in different municipal services in Santander.

Since 2008, when Santander became a testing ground for becoming a Smart City, there have been many applications that monitor the city on a daily basis thanks to the use of IoT and big data. Thus, for example, as can be seen in the Centre, there are sensors deployed throughout the city that control the influx of cars in car parks or others that measure the humidity of gardens. Likewise, these tools and drones, for example, can be used to control the capacity of open spaces such as sandbanks.

With thousands of sensors deployed throughout the city, Santander can boast of being one of the smartest cities in Europe and, thanks to the use of new technologies, maximise the efficiency of its services.