Archive of the Santander Port Authority

Documentation Centre of the Santander Port Authority

The main mission of the Documentation Centre of the Santander Port Authority is to guarantee the custody, conservation and access to the documentary heritage generated by the institution since its most recent antecedents, which date back to 1872 with the creation of the Board of Works of the Port of Santander, and which has given rise to the creation of the most complete and homogeneous collection of the contemporary historical memory of our port.

Among the documentary processing and management tasks it carries out to administer the collections in its care, the Centre, in addition to answering the queries of its internal users, makes its documentary heritage accessible, within the limits established by the regulations, to people who wish to carry out research work: students, researchers, professionals in the port field, etc.

Likewise, the Documentation Centre, in addition to supporting the Port Authority's own external information requirements, acts as a repository for the collection of publications published by the institution.

It has a room in which exhibitions on the history of the port are held.

Archivo de la Autoridad Portuaria