The Water Museum

A journey through the historical relationship between water and the city of Santander

The city has a Water Museum, where you can take a pleasant and instructive journey through the historical relationship between water and the city of Santander from the end of the 19th century to the present day, as well as visiting the Pronillo reservoir, the oldest in the city of significant architectural value. The museum shows, through a wide range of models, panels and audiovisual material, the effort required to collect water from the rivers and mountains of inland Cantabria, transport it, treat it and distribute it through the pipelines to make this precious and essential element available to all the homes of Santander.

The exhibition is divided into two rooms: 

  • Room 1: "History of supply"
  • Room 2: ‘The integral water cycle’


On the other hand, the Pronillo cistern, the water tank that supplies Santander, with a capacity of 16,000 cubic metres, is one of the most unknown architectural elements in Santander. It is an interesting example of late 19th century architecture. Inaugurated in 1884, it is made up of two rectangular brick basins with a vaulted roof supported by arches of the same material on ashlar pillars. It is the oldest of Santander's water supply systems.

Both the Museum and the Pronillo Depot can be visited by prior appointment at or by phoning +34 942 357 399.