Feast days and Fiestas

Plans in Santander

La Virgen del Mar

The Virgin of the Sea

Held on the Monday following Whitsunday (May-June), this feast day is famous because it brings together hundreds of people to carry ‘La Virgen el Mar’ (The Virgin of the Sea), the patron saint of Santander, in procession to her hermitage. After celebrating a mass, a picnic is held, with concerts, fair stalls and many activities for those attending.

San Juan

San Juan

As in most of Spain, the 24th of June the summer Solstice is celebrated with a great bonfire. The most popular one is on the Second Beach of El Sardinero. After the bonfire, you can have a great time at the street party set up in the car park of the Parque de Mesones.


El Carmen

The 16th of July honours the ‘Virgen del Carmen’, the protector of people from the sea. The Barrio Pesquero is the place where it is celebrated with the greatest passion; however, it is celebrated at different points all over Santander. A maritime procession, a travelling fair, performances and fireworks are some of the elements that you will find if you celebrated it in the Barrio Pesquero.


Baños de la Ola

Sea Bathing (Baños de Ola)

In mid-July, this festival of Regional Tourist Interest is held. For a week, Santander goes back to the beginning of the 20th century, a time when the high society and royalty visited the capital city to enjoy the healthy properties of the seawater.

Semana Grande

Santiago. ‘Semana Grande’ of Santander

On the 25th of July, the city’s ‘Semana Grande’ is held, where you can enjoy a unique atmosphere, with food stands, activities of all kinds, concerts, fairs and many other proposals.

Santos Mártires

The Holy Martyrs. La Semanuca

This festival pays tribute to Saint Emeterius and Saint Celedonius, patron saints of the city. You will be able to enjoy the markets, entertainment activities, performances and of course, fireworks. It is considered to be a festival of Regional Tourist Interest.